

The Olympic movement was more than forty years old before. The Olympic
Games were broad cast or televised. The first games, in 1896, were announced and
reparted by news papers. Records show that a dozer or so journalists were accredited
for the games in Athens. Indeed, some competitors were there only because they had
read about the for thcoming event in the press and were present on their own
In Berlin in 1936, twenty-five halls were equipped with wIsed cin:uit
television and it was possible towatch. The games on
screens else where in
Germany. About 162.000 people watched the daily transmissions from four main
Olympic sites. The first televised games were those heldin melbourne in 1956. In 1964 in Tokyo, The first satellite transmission occurred. By the time another forty
years had passed, over of 300 million people were watching the olympic Games
transmitted around the world by satellite. TechnoloGHY now makes it possible for
every one to see the games and hear the commentaries. Most of the world has access
to radio which is still the most immediate medium of communication.
