The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between percentage of body fat and fat weight and lipoproteins (cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL) in male students of physical education at Birjand University. 31 male stduents of physical education were selected. To collect the necessary information 5cc of their blood was taken by laboratory employees. To determine cholestero4 triglyceride, HDL and LDL, the blood was sent to the laboratory. Then, fat of the subjects was measured by calliper under skin. To analyze the information, descriptive and presumptional methods of statistics were used. One can conclude that: There is not a linear meaningful relationship among percent age of fat in boys and their cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL. There is a linear meaningful relationship between under skin fat of triceps and cholesterol of the cases. There is a linear meaningful relationship between under skin fat of tricepsbrachii and LDL of the cases. There is not a linear meaningful relationship between under skin fat of tricepsbrachii and triglyceride and HDL of the cases. There is’ a ninverse linear meaningful relationship between fat weight body and LDL of the cases. There is not a linear meaningful relationship between LBM and triglyceride, cholesterol and HDL of the cases. It seems that measuring under skin fat of different parts of the body and fat weight of body
(Lean Body Mass) may partly estimate the level of fats and lipoproteins of blood. Of course, with more research, this prediction will be more exact and safe.