To Design and Codify a Developmental Strategy for Public Sport in Sistan and Baluchestan


The purpose of this research was to design and codify a developmental strategy for public sport in Sistan and Baluchestan. The statistical sample was 30 (70% men and 30% women) physical education professors of higher education institutes of the province, Physical Education academic board managers of Sciences, Research and Technology Ministry of the province, Physical Education managers and experts of the province as well as the managers of governmental and private departments of the province playing a role in public sport activities. To collect the data, a questionnaire was designed, its validity was confirmed by several professional professors and its reliability was verified according to Cronbach’s alpha method (92%). The questionnaire included 43 ranked questions about surveying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Sistan and Baluchestan public sport. Descriptive statistics, average comparison test and Friedman test were used to analyze the data. Research findings showed that out of 2.5 million population in Sistan and Baluchestan, below 0.007% participated in public sport. If the specific geographical location of the province, unemployment rate, smuggling of fuel and narcotics as well as an outbreak of different sorts of diseases due to inactivity are taken into consideration, we can submit practical solutions (through the codification of a developmental strategy for public sport and based on the data analysis) to directors of Physical Education Organization of the province so that they can program and organize a suitable ground to improve the culture of public sports and amateur sports in the province, increase the participation and active cooperation of other organizations and departments, realize the goals of public sport and employ national and native capacities along with the growth and development of public sports and native sports of the province.
