

The purpose of this study was to understand the etlect of streching practice before and after sport on the reducing leg pain of female students in the physical
educational field.
We selected 24 students in between the ages of 20-25 years, who were taking a track and field course and having leg pain.
We divided these 24 student in two 12 student groups. The first group did routine class exercise. The second group did routine class exercise plus an other
special practice for 12 times each time consisting of 30 seconds of strech exercise for 3 times and 40 times power exercise before and after routine practice.
We measured the range of movement of ankle joint in the first, sixth and twelveth sets, with a tlexometer in both groups.
Also, to detect the etlect of special exercise on reducing leg pain we asked the students of both groups to fill in the verbal Rating Scale in the first, sixth and
twelveth set.
The results showed that: strech exercises before and after sport reduce leg pain and increase the range of ankle joint movement in both dorsotlexion and planter
t1exion in about 95% of the cuses.
