

Decision making is the essence of managerial activities. The managers should consider different factors to select their decision style, including managers, and
subordinates readiness. The main objective of this research is to survey a
suitable decision making model for sports managers in public universities. The question of the study is whether level of readiness in sports managers is a key
factor in decision making style? Method of the research is based on descriptive analysis. Subjects of this research included all physical education managers in universities. In this research, to collect the data, a prelimirwry questionnaire
(Pilot study) and main questionnaires were provided for managers and their personnel of physical education in universities. In some cases the interview
method was also used. This research has studied two groups of universities: Successful and unsuccessful ones. The results of the analysis of data showed that
the level of readiness of subordinates is not the sale factor in decision making style. The level of readiness in sports managers is also a factor.
